High-temperature superconductors exhibit a phase of matter called a ‘pair-density wave’
High-temperature superconductors can exhibit unusual behavior, for example, levitating above a magnet. Now, scientists...
The Alchemy of Us explores how new technologies have altered humans and society
Advances in materials science have altered human society, as chronicled in The...
A mathematical simulation reproduces the juicy interior of a delicious cut of oven-roasted meat
When a steak cooks, the exterior dries out while the inside...
Electricity flows without resistance on the rim of molybdenum ditelluride
The material molybdenum ditelluride can host a superconducting current that is constrained to travel around...
Excerpt from the May 2, 1970, issue of Science News
The highest-temperature superconductors known occur under extreme pressures, produced by squeezing materials between diamonds (shown).
Het maakt gebruik van het contrast tussen licht en donker om een stroom te produceren om een kleine gadget van stroom te voorzien
Energiegeneratoren met...